How to post with images (new version)

Some people (including me) have complained about the new layout of the blog.  Here are the new instructions about how to post with images:

  1. Log in.  The “login” link is on the right side of the main page, under the “Meta” heading.
  2. After you log in, you’ll be at the Dashboard.  On the left side, under “Posts”, is a link for “Add New”.  Click on that.
  3. Add a title and the text of your post.
  4. Above the text box are the words “Upload/Insert” with some pictures next to them.  The “Add an Image” link is the one that looks like this:
  5. Clicking on the “Add an Image” link will pop up a box with options at the top to add an image “From Computer”, “From URL”, or from the “Media Library”.  You probably want to add an image from you computer, which is the default.
  6. Click “Browse” and find the file, then click “Upload”.  You can add a title and a description and choose what size you want the image. (If you make it smaller than full size, people can click on it to see the full-size version.) If you scroll down, you’ll see an “Insert into Post” button.  Click that, and the image will be added to your post.


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