Using Z Events to Extend Soft Muon Tag Rates

In the previous post, soft muon tag rates were extended into the pT>15 GeV region by plotting the efficiency as a function of pT for different eta bins and then taking the efficiency function as constant beyond the point for which there are no J/psi events.  An improvement on this is to use high-pT Z events to extend the efficiency function.

Below is the mass of trigger muon + taggable/tagged track for opposite-sign and same sign combination.

We can see that there is no Z peak in the same-sign data.  We use the same-sign as an estimate of the background under the Z peak, defined as 86.5<M(Z)<95.5 GeV.  We then obtain the efficiency as a function of pT in the same 3 eta bins as was done previously.

We use these functions to fill in missing bins for the muon tag rate matrix, as before.  The matrix obtained is:

We use this tag rate to obtain the absolute background prediction and pTrel/d0Sig templates.  We then use the results of the fit as an estimate of the systematic error for N(mu)>1.  The result is below.  Note that only the W has the systematic error currently estimated because the pTrel/d0Sig fit has not been performed for the Z events yet.