Archive for November, 2006

Our imap server has been acting a little funny and despite my attempts to ignore it until it got better, it just kept acting funny. It would undelete messages and not let them be moved to other folders at times. At other times, it would work fine. So, I decided to go with the RedHat provided dovecot package.

The config file is /etc/dovecot.conf. It had a few lines that needed to be edited.

protocols = imaps (we only allow secure connections)
first_valid_uid = 200 (the default is 500)
auth_passdb = shadow

Once these were changed, I just had to turn off imaps with chkconfig and restart xinetd. Then start dovecot.

With the installation of the latest version of the Mentor software on the HP machines, the option for printing directly to a pdf is present. This needs to get set up. It is basically the same procedure as on linux, but paths to files have changed.

-Make sure ghostscript is installed

-Location for printer stuff: /net/sw/mgc_hpux/printer/export_pdf

-Copy the export_pdf directory from impulse to any other machine that needs it.

-Copy the following files to the above location:
cp $MGC_HOME/shared/pkgs/pdf_export/templates/mgc_pdf_config .
cp $MGC_HOME/shared/pkgs/pdf_export/templates/mgc_pdf_fis .
cp $MGC_HOME/shared/pkgs/pdf_export/templates/pet .

-Make sure mgcgs and mgcgs.ixn have execute permissions (and yes, can use mgcgs.ixn here because it’s just a script). I could rename it to mgcgs.hpu, but I want to remember that this is the same program that’s running on linux.

Edit /usr/local/share/ghostscript/7.07/lib/Fontmap.GS and add the following to the end of the file:

% Mentor fonts
/stroke-bs (mgc_stroke_bs.afm);
/mgc-v1-stroke (mgc-v1-stroke.afm);
/stroke (mgc_stroke.afm);
/stroke-bs (mgc_stroke_bs.pfa);
/mgc-v1-stroke (mgc-v1-stroke.pfa);
/stroke (mgc_stroke.pfa);

-Set MGC_GS_PATH=/net/sw/mgc_hpux/printer/export_pdf

-Set MGC_PDF_OPTIONS=/net/sw/mgc_hpux/printer/export_pdf

-Set MGC_PLOT_OPTIONS=/net/sw/mgc_hpux/printer (location of pet file)

-In linux, the following was added to the pet file. In HPUX, it won’t work if this is added, so leave it out.

extern PDFExportAppTable = [
“export pdf”,

This needs to be scripted, at some point.

Install RHEL using a kickstart file previously set up
Copy csh.cshrc, passwd, shadow and group from server
Create /nfs and auto.* files, /etc/rc.d/init.d/autofs restart
Install optional packages (acroread, netscape–for cadence help files)
Create printers (filter_setup for mentor printers)
Get latest patches from rhn

To put a kickstart file on a flash drive and use it for installation:

linux ks=hd:sdb1:/net.ks

Using sdb1 because this machine only has a sata disk in it, which will be known as sda. So the first usb drive will be sdb. And since using the first partition on it, use sdb1. The name of the kickstart file is net.ks.

If I want to backup the files in /backups/061006/designs, I need to determine how to break up the files so that they’ll fit on dvds. My first attempt was to use this command, in the above directory:

mkisofs -rlJDTvV 10june2006 -o /net/backups/10june2006-1.iso [A-B]* [a-b]*

I got lots of errors here saying that two different files have the same Rock Ridge name.

After reading some pages on the net, I created a directory, called dvd1 and moved [A-B]* and [a-b]* to dvd1. Then I used this command:

mkisofs -rlJDTvV 10june2006 -o /net/backups/10june2006-1.iso dvd1

This, worked ok. And, it left off the dvd1 directory, which is what I wanted. But, I thought I could do this without first making the dvd1 directory. So, I moved all the files back to designs, changed to the directory /backups/monthly/061006 and ran this command:

mkisofs -rlJDTvV 10june2006 -o /net/backups/10june2006-2.iso designs/[A-B]* designs/[a-b]*

No luck. I get the Rock Ridge naming problems again. So, it looks like I’m going to have to first put the files in directories. This isn’t much of a problem because then I can run the du command to make sure that none of the directories have more data than will fit on a dvd.
Write the dvd with:

growisofs -Z /dev/dvd=/net/backups/10june2006-1.iso --speed=2