We needed to upgrade our current trac system to RHEL6. Here’s basically how I did it.

-Install RHEL6 Workstation

-Additional packages we were going to need: mod_ssl, mod_wsgi, ImageMagick, graphviz, libpng-static

[ ~]# easy_install Trac
[ web]# pwd
[ web]# cp -Rp lappd-trac lappd-trac-rhel6
[ conf]# tracd --port 8000 /net/web/lappd-trac-rhel6/LAPPD

Opening a browser gave this error:

(The Trac Environment needs to be upgraded. Run “trac-admin /net/web/lappd-trac-rhel6/LAPPD upgrade”)

[ conf]# trac-admin /net/web/lappd-trac-rhel6/LAPPD upgrade
[ conf]# trac-admin /net/web/lappd-trac-rhel6/LAPPD wiki upgrade

Restarting the test on port 8000, works, but got errors:

/nfs/net/web/lappd-trac-rhel6/LAPPD/plugins/graphviz-0.7.5-py2.6.egg/graphviz/graphviz.py:23: DeprecationWarning: the sha module is deprecated; use the hashlib module instead

[ plugins]# easy_install hashlib

Downloaded the graphviz source and unzipped, then ran:

[ 0.11-0.7.5]$ python setup.py bdist_egg
[ 0.11-0.7.5]$ cd dist
[ dist]$ easy_install graphviz-0.7.5dev-py2.6.egg

Other plugins that we’d need.

[ site-packages]# easy_install https://trac-hacks.org/svn/datefieldplugin/0.11/
[ site-packages]# easy_install -U -Z http://trac-hacks.org/svn/customfieldadminplugin/0.11
[ site-packages]# easy_install http://trac-hacks.org/svn/iniadminplugin/0.11
[ site-packages]# easy_install http://trac-hacks.org/svn/citemacro/0.11

We also had been using the TracMath plugin, I installed it, but as soon as it was activated, our system crashed. I looked around to see if we were perhaps missing a required package, but couldn’t find anything. So, I have disabled this plugin.