Archive for November, 2007

Had a problem with our hspice setup, in that hspui and awaves would not run. Turns out we needed to set the following environment variables.

installdir_version d:\synopsys\Hspice_Z-2007.03
installdir_Z-2007.03 d:\synopsys\Hspice_Z-2007.03
HSP_HOME d:\synopsys\Hspice_Z-2007.03

I’m not sure that I need all of these, but after setting them, things work.

I had a problem where I couldn’t send mail with squirrelmail. Whenever I hit the send button, I got an error that said:

Server replied: 71 Can't execute command '/usr/sbin/sendmail -i -t'.

So, I then tried to run the command as a regular user at the command line and I got this error:

NOQUEUE: SYSERR(): can not write to queue directory
> /var/spool/clientmqueue/ (RunAsGid=0, required=25): Permission denied

It turns out that my smmsp user had uid=51 and gid=51, but in /etc/group, the smmsp group was gid=25. To fix this, I simply changed the gid of the smmsp user to 25 and restarted sendmail. That fixed things.

If the install script has a problem registering, try this:

sudo rpm -Uvh \

Then make sure your trusted sslCACert entry in
/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date looks like:


Then run:

rhnreg_ks --activationkey=4615db501bffebd96009bb81b065c015

Get the proper key from the rhn website.