I’m slowly moving all of our users out of /etc/passwd to the ldap directory. One problem that I found was that users’ personal websites weren’t coming up. For example, user arthur, can make a directory called public_html in their home area and it would be accessible at server.uchicago.edu/~arthur. But for accounts that are only in the ldap database, it was as if these accounts didn’t exist.

To get the accounts to show, add the following to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:

< IfModule mod_ldap_userdir.c >
	LDAPUserDirServer	server.uchicago.edu
	LDAPUserDirSearchScope	subtree
	LDAPUserDirBaseDN	ou=people,dc=server,dc=uchicago,dc=edu
	LDAPUserDir		public_html
< /IfModule >