In the past, we’ve gotten errors from Cadence software about an incorrectly built binary, but the program would still run ok. The annoying errors were lost by editing /etc/csh.cshrc and adding the line:

setenv LD_ASSUME_KERNEL 2.4.1 # Gets rid of the "Incorrectly built binary" error

However, after the last software upgrade, any simple unix command was giving errors about cannot open shared object file. These errors weren’t just annoying, they wouldn’t allow the simple programs, like hostname, who, etc. to run. So, the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL variable had to be unset.

On our server, I then got this error:

[maryh@server maryh]$ /net/sw/cad.rh/ic/ic5141/tools/dfII/bin/32bit/icms.exe: error while 
loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

This was solved by running:

[root@server ~]# yum install xorg-x11-deprecated-libs

Now things work ok on the server, but as the csh.cshrc file gets pushed out to the other clients, it will have to be modified to put the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL line back in. This is because the clients are running rhel4 (the server is rhel5) and they need that line.