I started putting together our new client machines. First problem, the rhel3 disks I have wouldn’t work with a sata system disk. Solution was to download rhel3 update 8 which worked fine.

Second problem, not getting great resolution on our monitors. We have Dell 24″ widescreen monitors and Asus EAX1600PRO video cards. We should be able to use a resolution of 1920×1200, but the most I could get during the installation was 1600×1200, and it looked a bit fuzzy to me. The solution, download the latest driver from ATI (note that the video card uses and ati radeon 1600 chip) and install that. The commands to run after the program was installed were:

aticonfig --initial
aticonfig --resolution=0,1920x1200,1600x1200,1024x768
init 3
init 5

Looks great.

Problem, no driver for built-in Marvell network controller. Since I’ve already come across this problem, I know the solution. Go to the Marvell website and download the latest driver. Install, which builds the module and it should work fine.

Notes: Driver is in /net/sw/edg/kickstart/display
aticonfig is in /usr/X11R6/bin