One big problem with my idea of switching over to ldap for all users is that dovecot 0.99 does not seem to work with ldap. My ldap user is not allowed to login with imap. However, ldap accounts can forward their mail to another account. So, I could set up accounts for people and immediately put a .forward file in their home to forward mail somewhere else.

The dovecot website doesn’t have all that much info on using ldap. One file mentioned is /etc/dovecot-ldap.conf. I have no trace of this file any of my RHEL systems. So, I also think that RedHat has not compiled openldap and dovecot to do this. I put a service request into RedHat asking this.

One Comment

  1. Charles says:

    why not using pam/ldap with a check to see if a user is member of a given group?