Archive for July, 2006

The switch in the glass room was replaced this morning by network services. I’ll be keeping an eye on things to see if this fixes our problems.

Something is apparently wrong with the switch in HEP. I have contacted NSIT and someone there has supposedly been working on it all day. I have no idea as to when service will be restored.

Since many isps and VirusScan both block port 25, the only way to send mail in these instances is to use the submission port 587. Eudora version has a box to check called “Use submission port (587)”. However, when using tcpdump to watch packets on port 587, it can be seen that Eudora does NOT, in fact, use port 587, but continues to use port 25. The solution is to edit the eudora.ini file and add a line. After the UseSubmissionPort line, add smtpport=587. These lines should look like this:


After saving and restarting Eudora, mail is sent on the correct port.

Sasha told me to upgrade the kernel on cdf30 and change the network cable, which I did, and now the machine appears to be connecting at gb network speeds. A quick copy of my 1gb test file took 1min 11secs which is a transfer speed of around 15MB/s. Looks good. Next, I need to test the DLink cards to see if they work too.

Basic procedure:
yum update — puts on the latest packages
yum clean all — deletes the downloaded files
rpm -Uvh –gets the latest yum.conf file
yum -d1 update yum — always update yum
yum update Fermi-release
yum upgrade
(check grub.conf to make sure ok)
yum clean all

yum info perl — gives same output as rpm -qi perl
yum provides /bin/login — same as rpm -qf /bin/login
yum install perl — installs perl
yum remove perl — removes perl
yum list
yum list updates
yum list installed
yum list [packagename]

Trying to install gnumeric-1.0.12-3.i386.rpm
— — umb-scheme-3.2-31.i386.rpm

After installing the above rpms, it still complains about a bunch of other libraries. One of them, libbonobo is already installed, so I don’t know why it’s complaining. It looks like gnumeric is not going to be installed on the SLF3 machines.

I’m removing the rpms I installed for this package.

I removed the rep-gtk and librep rpms. Installed from RH9 source, librep-0.16.1-2.i386.rpm and librep-devel-0.16.1-2.i386.rpm. Though I had to use the –nodeps option with the librep-devel because it kept complaining that it needed librep, even though I had just installed that. Now sawfish complains that I need rep-gtk 0.17+. From the RH9 source, I also installed rep-gtk-0.17-4.i386.rpm.

Running configure again, I get a new error message.
Package gdk-pixbuf-xlib-2.0 was not found. To install this package, I also need:

gnome-libs-devel (which in turn requires the following)

./configure –without-gdk-pixbuf

Configure finished, but when I ran make I got all sorts of errors about gtk things. I’m spending way too much time on this. Sawfish will not be installed on the SLF machines.

I removed the above rpms that I had installed.

Fermi Linux does not come with sawfish, which a user here would like to use.

Download from:

checking for rep – version >= 0.14… ./configure: line 1: rep-config: command not found
configure: error: can’t find librep; is it installed?

Package librep is installed.

–with-rep-prefix=PFX Prefix where rep is installed (optional)
Apparently I need librep-devel to get the rep-config command. Finding an rpm that works with SLF3, is proving difficult.

If a user gets an error message where he can’t log in to any HP machine, but all other users are ok. Delete the following files from said user’s home:


If get errors from the locate command about having to run updatedb, check the permissions on /system/locate. They should be 755.