Archive for May, 2011

After a drive failure on one of our servers, I had to remake the quota info. Here’s what I did:

[root@serv1 home]# touch /local/home/aquota.user
[root@serv1 home]# chmod 600 /local/home/aquota.user
[root@cppc home]# quotacheck -vgum /local/home
quotacheck: WARNING -  Quotafile /local/home/aquota.user was probably truncated. Can't save quota settings...
quotacheck: Scanning /dev/sda1 [/local/home] |

Now I could just reset all the user quotas for things to work.

[root@serv1 home]# setquota -u user1 1000000 1500000 200000 300000 -a

I had already mounted the disk with the correct options, but make sure /etc/fstab looks like:

/dev/sda1		/local/home		ext3	defaults,usrquota	1 2

I also then also restarted nfslock, which may or may not have needed to be done. This could have been a totally unrelated problem we were having at the same time.

This laserjet printer would not print anything. It’s connected through the network and I could get to the webpage for it, but it would not print.

Hold down both arrow keys and power off and on. Keep holding the keys down until get to Language -> English prompt. Then, just go through and re-setup the printer. After that, things printed ok again.