Archive for April, 2007

Until I create a php file to add/change events to the webpage, I have to do this by hand. Here are some examples:

To add a Monday Seminar by Mark:

insert into events values
(NULL,2,'2007-04-09',3,'16:15:00','17:15:00','RI-480','Mark Oreglia','University of Chicago','The Roadmap to the ILC','',1);

To add an announcement about the floors in HEP being redone

insert into events values
(NULL,1,'2007-04-09','17:00:00','19:00:00','HEP','Dennis Hannum','4-5661 with questions','HEP Floors Cleaned-Please Remove All Personal Items from the Floor','',7);

To change the speaker info on a Lunch Talk

update events set speaker='Bruce Mellado',institution='UW-Madison',title='Missing ET Reconstruction in ATLAS' where date='2005-04-02' and starttime='12:15:00';

To delete an entry
Find the id of the entry to delete

select * from events where speaker='Dennis Hannum';
delete from events where id=70;

Could do this command in one line, but it’s a good idea to make sure you’re deleting the right data.

When logging into webmail (something I hadn’t done for a very long time and I don’t think many others have used it either), I wasn’t able to see mail. Instead I got errors about the redirect.php page. On some browsers, it even tried to download the php file instead of viewing it. Turns out in /etc/squirrelmail/config.php, I hadn’t changed the domain to the new name of the computer. Once I fixed that and restarted http, everything worked fine.