Had a problem where one user would have hundreds of procmail processes running. Would look something like this:

root     19395     1  0 Nov10 ?        00:00:00 sendmail: ./mAA8qmVx019388 from queue
user1   19396 19395  0 Nov10 ?        00:00:00 procmail -f vcejixtxapby@borg.wyle.ingr.com -t -Y -a  -d user1
root     19428     1  0 Nov08 ?        00:00:00 sendmail: ./mA91ThBb019426 from queue
user1   19429 19428  0 Nov08 ?        00:00:00 procmail -f Kabj@lumenetwerk.nl -t -Y -a  -d user1

In the users mail folder, there was a directory Junk which is where all this junk mail was supposed to go, but it wasn’t getting written there. However, there was a file called Junk.lock there. The problem was that procmail seemed to be creating the lock, which was then getting stuck. The solution was to edit the user’s .procmailrc file.

This is how it looked:

* ^Subject:.*HEP_SPAM

I changed it to:

* ^Subject:.*HEP_SPAM

Losing the : after the 0 tells it to not use locking. This solved the problem.