I took Marty’s old thermal_shutdown script and rewrote it in perl, so that I could use my ups shutdown script with it. I got the stuff for my shutdown script somewhere on the web, but I can’t find it anymore to cite it. So, my apologies to the original author.


# thermal_shutdown - Script to check temperature in glass room
#     If temp too high, email gurus, shutdown computer and shutdown ups
#       8 May 2007
#       Changed Marty's thermal_shutdown script to perl and added part about ups shutdown
#       The perl module Device::SerialPort must be installed.  I installed the rpm
#       perl-Device-SerialPort-1.002-1.2.el4.rf.i386.rpm.  A copy is in 
#       /support/data1/kickstart/additions.

use Device::SerialPort;  # Need to communicate with the serial port ups connection

# Some definitions
$PORT="/dev/ttyS0"; # Port with ups cable
$FILE="/system/monitors/therm_209a.data"; # File with temperature data
$LIMIT=80.0; # Temperature above which everything gets shut down
chop($THISHOST=`hostname -s`); # Hostname of this computer
chop($CURRENT=`cat $FILE`); # Current temperature
chop($DATE=`date`); # Current date

# This entire script only runs if the current temp is greater than the limit

        # MAIL SECTION:  Send mail to the gurus list with the information
        my($sendmail) = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";
        my($subject) = "TEMPERATURE SHUTDOWN: $THISHOST";
        my($mailto) = "chiefs@blog";
        my($mailfrom) = "root@$THISHOST";
        my($message) = "                     
    *****  THERMAL SHUTDOWN   *****
        Computer $THISHOST and its ups are now being shutdown to protect itself from damage.

        The temperature in the glass room has exceeded $LIMIT degrees F.

        The temperature is $CURRENT degrees F on $DATE.

        Please call Physical Plant to have someone come out to check out the system.  If no 
        one responds in 15 minutes, call again, or call Jim.

        The number for Physical Plant is 123-555-1414.

        Jim's phone number:  123-555-7824.


        # Open a stream to mail and send everything
        open(MAIL,"|$sendmail -oi -t");
        print MAIL "From: $mailfrom\n";
        print MAIL "To: $mailto\n";
        print MAIL "Subject: $subject\n\n";
        print MAIL "$message\n";

        # SHUTDOWN SECTION:  Send signal to shutdown the ups and then the computer
        # Connection Settings
        $ob = new Device::SerialPort ($PORT) || die "Can't open $PORT: $!\n";

        # Send Y to put the ups in smart mode

        # Send two Ks with > 1.5s delay between to shut down
        sleep 2;

        undef $ob;

        # Now shutdown the computer.  Hopefully, it'll be shut down before the ups goes off
       `/sbin/shutdown -h -t0 now`;